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    Can you imagine what is the integrated phone of ipad and iphone 4 ?

    Made in China capacitive screen phone combinated with ipad and iphone 4

    2010 is a quite different year,a new outcoming products year,here comes a well-know tablet pc called iPad firstly,then following up in ShenZhen China,manufacturers quickly produced a tablet pc called apad,very similar to iPad and it quickly becomes a hot selling item around the world corner.Recently there comes a very different type cell phone which called iPhone 4,once it comes out,it becomes the most welcome and popular device in people’s eye and heart,just as their ad says “change the world once again”,from which we will found that technology becomes a so important part in people’s life.

    In order to attract people’s eyeball,products need to comes along with their unique feature,so as the Chinese style iPhone 4.Taken Air Phone 4+ and iPhone 4,You will find that the Air Phone 4+ is quite silimar to iPhone 4,but absolutely it is different,but view it and ipad,then you will know all.

    The same part between AIR Phone 4+ and iPhone 4 is that they are all adopted 3.5’’ capacitive screen.

    AIR Phone 4+ own the same outside design as iPad,only different. In measurement,which Sim slot is at the right side of the device and has built-in battery.

    Comparation AIR Phone 4+ and ipad

    Comparation AIR Phone 4+ and ipad,Only different in measurement

    AIR Phone 4+ and iPad,same in side part

    AIR Phone 4+ adopt a quite different design from iPhone 4,you can see the silver rim around the side buttom it is simple but clear,the voice key bottom is also different,more simple. In the connector port part,it only comes with an earphone port and one USB port,more brife but high-grade.

    by www.WholesaleOnePiece.com


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